Hi guys, so I just wanted to give over a short vort on R"H that Mrs K told me today. Anybody miss moadim? So here goes.....
On R"H we know that we're being mamlich Hashem. We are taking the crown off our heads and handing it to Him.
On R"H we lain 'akeidas yitzchak' in which we hear of Avraham Avinu being prepared to shecht his pride and joy, his every hope for the future, Yitzchak Avinu.
Says the Michtav M'Eliyahu, R"H is about working up to the level being prepared to give EVERYTHING of ours for HaKadosh Baruch Hu. In reality, even moreso, He doesn't ask us to give our entire being, remember, akeidas yitzchak was the nisayon on Avraham Avinu's level, which is what we can aspire to TRY and reach. We, on the other hand, have little things every day in our lives that we think are "important" and really in the bigger scheme of things are not.
Nobody says it's easy, but it's all just about being willing to give up that small thing, and saying "HKB"H, this one's for You, because YOU are my Melech."
Remember also, that even if it's hard now, mitzvah goreres mitzva, that if you overcome this nisayon now that it'll be that much easier do the next time. Just remember, Hashem has given us everything we own as a tzedaka; as He is our Father and our King should we not feel it a privilege to give Him back when we know that He is asking?
Ksiva v'chasima tova everybody! Just remember that Torah is yummy (it's the sweetest thing we could possibly have for R"H)!
I give a bracha to all of us that we should have a year of being able to make our ratzon that of Hashem, one step at a time.
-Devorah S.