P'ninim 06

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Ooooookay, here we go again :-) this time pesach!!!!

The Chovos Halevavos says how do we come to a state of wanting to serve H'? We have to first come to an appreciation for every one of the things He does, has done, and will continue to do for us in our lives, and as a nation.

The main theme of pesach is throwing off the shackles of modern society, whether that was modern mitzrayim or it''s western culture today, and cry out to H', saying "I'm w/ YOU HKB"H!"

We've been busy, we've been cleaning our houses, and we've been cleaning out our neshamos of chametz as well. We know that that same shefa is going to come down tonight just like it did in mitzrayim. H' then gave us th chance, that chance to just jump, and He lifted us up from the tuma of what modern society was, and brought us up next to the kiseh hakavod.

Tonight, at the seder we're going to go through the verses of dayeinu, listing all those things H' has done for us, and we'll see so clearly that we want to be be near Him, and all we'll have to do is give that jump, and He'll take us up the rest of the way. We should see ourselves as klal yisroel were in mitzrayim, just waiting b'emuna shleima for Him to bring the geula and take them out of mitzrayim.

We should all be zoche to a year of avodas H'. We should give that jump, and merit that He sees we are really saying we want to be His children, we want the geula, we need the bais hamikdash, and we should be lifted to the level of seeing the coming of mashiach b'meheira b'yameinu, amein!

See you all soon iin Eretz Yisroel!!!!!

A gut yontif everybody, and a chag kasher v'samech!!!!!

o, btw, that first pic i put up actually says 'pesach' if you look. i had to design a graphic demonstrating colour contrast for my colour class, and decided the time was right to get into pesach. the prof doesn't have to know what it means ;-)


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