While making the goody bags for my math fair project, i decided to listen to a shiur on line. This shiur is from The Smuz and it's called "Rich, Richer, Richest." I would like to share with you one of the points that Rabbi Shafier mentions:
The definition of haratat hatov is not appreciation, but recognition. The inyan of being makir tov, is one based of recognition that there is something being done to you that is good. Consequently, Don't just wolf everything down in two minutes, but take the time to appreciate and acknowledge what H'Shem has given you.
Another important point Rabbi Shafier mentions is the importance of perspective. I know that this has been mentioned many times and I'd like to repeat this idea in context with the word 'rich.' When people ask themselves, "Am I rich," what are they measuring their situation against to determine the answer? If they were to measure their richness against a poor man's possessions, then they would find themselves rich, indeed. But we don't, we use the term to reflect, "Is there anyone who have more then me, if so I"m not rich, is not then I'm rich."
Using this measuring technique, we will never be rich. Because there is always someone with more money or possessions. It is, therefore, important that we you should be thankful and grateful for the thing that is being done.
I think that this is a very important concept that we need to have clear in our minds. If we are aware of the amazing details that are orchestrated by H'Shem for our good, then we can only be happy and grateful. But first we need to recognize. So the next time you sit down to eat, notice the colours of the food, smell the flavours, and taste the textures with time and patience. judge our wealth with against the statement, "Do have have more then I need to be comfortable?" Do you have any luxuries? A cell phone perhaps? You can live without it, eh? How about a camera? There are many other luxuries that common people live with, but don't need.
I don't want to go through his whole drasha. Feel free to check out the link above. It's a website that offers free downloads.
Have a great week!
Try to be a better eved H'Shem by recognizing all the SMALL things he does/has done for us!