P'ninim 06

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lo Aleinu

I've just heard that Rav Noach Wineberg has been diagnosed with a lung tumor. Please daven for him, his name is Harav Yisroel Noach ben Hinda.

Thank you.


At 21/1/08 2:32 AM, Blogger Ahuva said...

There's no Ayala in the mother's name (according to the Aish Hatorah website, which I would assume would have the information correct) and you should say Harav before his name.
May he have a refuah shleima b'karov!

At 21/1/08 10:51 AM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

I got an email and in it was Ayala Hinda.....

At 21/1/08 1:13 PM, Blogger Ahuva said...

I think Aish HaTorah would know what his name is since he basically started it...and they're saying that it's only Hinda, and I've gotten e-mails from people forwarded from Aish HaTorah that there's no Ayala, so...I don't think there's an Ayala.

At 21/1/08 6:40 PM, Blogger Sarah Rutti said...

Well Yeshiva world posted it with Ayala. Thank you for reminding me about the Rav part, I'll go change that now. But I'm 100% positive that there's an Ayala. All the same, HK'BH knows who you're talking about.


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