P'ninim 06

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Taanit Ester

This was copied from my Back to Reality Blog:

Firstly, I want to recommend Aish.com's purim section, and one of their short clips called Behind the Mask, by Rabbi Zeldman

Secondly, I'd like to summarize an article about taanit ester. In this article, Rabbi Simmons mentions that taanit ester is a pre-war fast. Ester and banei Yisroel fasted to prepare themselves to meet with Achashverosh and to prepare themselves to fight against Hamman's decree.

What does fasting accomplish? On the day before a war, wouldn't you prepare your artillery and do other things to insure that you'd be strong for the fight? Why would you tell your soldiers to fast?

The reason, brings down Rabbi Simmons, is to remind us that we aren't strong and have no chance of winning without HaShem's help. We fast and remind ourselves of our physical restrictions and dependence on HKB'H.

The constant gnawing of hunger should act as a reminder to ourselves that HaShem runs the world and gives us strength.

May we be zochei to take this reminder and use our kaoch hatefillah to unite Am Yisroel and be zochei geulah.

Kol Tov


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