P'ninim 06

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mazal tov to Yisrael and Esti (Slepoy) Friedman on the birth of a baby boy! May you be zoche to raise him l'torah, chuppah and ma'asim tovim!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mazal Tov
Its a Boy
Mazal Tov to Sarah Rut Dulin (aka Sammy) on the birth of her baby boy.
Time: Tues morning at 5am.
Weight: 7.2 lbs

If you want to wish her mazal tov, write her an email or post here. please dont call.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The annual log b'omer baltimore reunion

You are all invited to the annual Log B'omer Baltimore reunion.

When: this log b'omer, monday night, 7:45ish (ok I know its not log b'omer yet)
Where: my house (Batsheva Goldberg) 6410 Cross Country Blvd.
What: its a potluck BBQ so bring food or a drink