P'ninim 06

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hodu L'H' Ki Tov

See reference to a post i put up just before shavuos:

just over a week ago when chemdi and leah r were in town we was sitting at the waterfront in downtown TO and thinking over what's been almost a year since Eli Horowitz, a young father from the Toronto, went missing while fishing up in cottage country (abt three hours north of toronto).

we were talking about the fact that we KNOW his body is there, and that HKB"H was just hiding it from all those who were giving of themselves in conducting a tremendous search effort, which had just been starting up again after a long winter. It's been something so real at least in Toronto. Although we would go through life as if normal, it's been with everyone. As Ahuva had commented, the Horowitz family had come on our high school's retreat every year as part of hatzalloh, and this year his wife and children came on their own. Even walking around my neighbourhood last shabbos i passed by the family, Mrs Horowitz watching her kids playing outside. Just this morning in university one of my friends was asking me if they'd ever found the body, and I'm so glad that the next time i see her I'll be able to tell her yes.

It's such a message to take into the three weeks. It's a time of mourning for the Beis Hamikdash, we DON'T know what we're missing. We cry out wishing we knew WHAT to feel we're missing. But we must know that it's just there. The geula is SO near! we must just keep davening, and doing our hishtadlus, being the best we can be as the am hanivchar. If HKB"H can take a woman who was an agunah for nearly a year and give her back her life, i truly think we must know that He can and WILL give us back the Beis Hamikdash, and bring Moshiach, b'meheira b'yemeinu, amein.

ani ma'amin be emunah shleima....

Ontario Provincial Police recover body from Lake Nipissing

Nugget Staff
Local News - Tuesday, July 03, 2007 Updated @ 4:37:48 PM

North Bay OPP has recovered a body from Lake Nipissing believed to be that of a Toronto man missing since last August.

Two fishermen located the body Tuesday, in the centre channel to Callander Bay near an island.
Eli Horowitz and his father in law, Heine Mondrowitz, left the Waltonian Inn on the south shore of Lake Nipissing to go boating Aug. 21, 2006. They were reported overdue at 7 p,.m. that night.

An extensive land, air and water search commenced and five days later the remains of Mondrowitz were located on the shore near Lonely Island.

The search for Horowitz continued and was finally called off in September. Over the past nine months the OPP received many tips from the public, all turning out to be false.


At 4/7/07 8:05 AM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

What a powerful message...that was an amazing trip. Thank you dashop for taking us...!

At 4/7/07 8:22 AM, Blogger memyselfandi said...

very inspirational dev! as for the lake's name....couldnt they choose a more polite name????

At 4/7/07 8:49 AM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

We called it the harbor when we were there...why don't we leave it at that?

At 4/7/07 10:53 AM, Blogger dashop said...

leyz, different lake. down where we were is called harbourfront, and the lake it's on is lake ontario. the lake where he went missing is lake nippissing, about three hours north of toronto, and this bay must be just off of there.

At 4/7/07 1:31 PM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

woops...sorry everyone..(memyselfandi, would you be mad if I told you I was in Monsey today?)

At 12/7/07 2:06 PM, Blogger iluvyrushlym26 said...

AMEN! i didnt see this on the blog until today! i found out from a friend yesterday! have a great shabbat!


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