P'ninim 06

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cold Warning

Time to take out the gloves, boots, and all the other stuff to help us brave the sinister cold that's heading our way.....Ok, well not exactly.. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm freezing! Those in Eretz Yisrael and all the other places that are warm all year round, can you send us some warmth? Miss you guys, I just thought a little humor wouldn't hurt! :)


At 14/10/07 10:01 AM, Blogger Sarah Rutti said...

Vancouver is notorious for it's rain. And everything the geographical impact of the location proves this fame true. So it's been raining all last week and the week before. If we're lucky, we get sunny periods interspersed through out the rain periods. So, B'H, it was really nice out on shabbat and now (Sunday) is really nice as well. The false prophets have predicted rain for the rest of the week!
Rain boots, here I come.

At 14/10/07 10:07 AM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

Baruch Hashem for rain though! It rained last week too, and I'm so glad it did! There is nothing like going to sleep with the rain softly pattering against the window, and you are under the warm covers, falling in a blissful sleep....

At 14/10/07 12:27 PM, Blogger MAK said...

It's warm here! So humid that I could pack it up in a box and ship it to you! lol

At 14/10/07 2:00 PM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

Hey Mak, can you? C.R. if you see this, do you have by any chance Shana K.'s number? email me if you do, k?

At 16/10/07 4:00 PM, Blogger iluvyrushlym26 said...

Gl to us all. I dislike the cold!!!!

At 16/10/07 4:00 PM, Blogger iluvyrushlym26 said...

hey MAK can u really do that! it would be great! actually today was a bit better 69.


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