P'ninim 06

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Free Shiurim!

I just wanted to share my enjoyment and let you guys know about a website called The Shmuz.
This website has a lot of different shiurim that you can download onto your computer (and then onto your mp3) or just listen to strait off the site. You can search a topic of just pick one randomly from their site.

Finally, an engaging, motivating Shiur that deals with real life issues.

The Shmuz is a 45 minute Torah lecture that focuses on major issues of life. Issues ranging from "working on anger" to "learning to be a better spouse" -- from "understanding the reason behind davening" to "what my purpose is in this world". So many of concepts that we take as given - yet somehow we may not have focused on of late.

Rabbi B. Shafier: Director & Speaker
Born and bred in Kew Gardens Hills, Rabbi Shafier joined the Choftez Chaim Yeshiva after High school. First learning in Forest Hills for two years, he then studied under Rabbis' Davidowitz and Rabbi Harris when they were co-Rosh Yeshiva in Rochester. He then moved on to the Rosh Yeshiva's Blatt Shiur in Chofetz Chaim Queens where he learnt for 3 years. Shortly thereafter he got married and he and his new family moved to Rochester, where he was learning in Kollel and giving the 11th grade Shiur. He remained in Rochester for 12 years. He then moved to Monsey, NY, where he was a Rebbe in the new Chofetz Chaim branch there for 3 years. Upon the Rosh Yeshiva's request he stopped teaching to devote his time to running Tiferes Bnei Torah. Rabbi Shafier, a happily married father of 6 children currently resides in Monsey, NY.

That's all info given on their website. Go check it out and enjoy the Torah. (Thank you to my previous dorm father, Rabbi Behar, for telling me about this site!)

Have a great week!

Sarah Rut.


At 10/10/07 11:08 AM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

Wow, thanks Sarah Rut!

At 10/10/07 9:21 PM, Blogger iluvyrushlym26 said...

thanks hun! sounds great!

At 15/10/07 9:38 AM, Blogger Sarah Rutti said...

np. have a great week.


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