P'ninim 06

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Pirkei Avos/Tisha B'av and the 9 days

Dear Everyone, (What I'm bringing out I'm trying to teach myself as well, because it's also me to work on this.)

I'm sitting here thinking about the the 9 days and Tisha B'av. Pirkei Avos started during Sefiras Haomer, around the time to work on ourselves to recieve the Torah. During the summer there is Shiva Asar B'tamuz the 9 days and Tisha B'av. So many things in Pirkei Avos to learn from and to work on ourselves to become the best we can be and grow in Mitzvos.

It says in Mishnah 12 that Aharon loved peace and ran after peace. When he would see two people fighting, he would go to each of them separately and tell them how the other wants to make up with the other. Then they make up.

Right now, the 9 days are coming up and Tisha B'av are coming ahead. The Bais Hamikdash was burned down because of Sinas Chinam, hatred for another person. Right now is the perfect time to try to make peace, to a friend, brother, sister, cousin. Just like what Ahron did. Let's hope that this year we show Hashem we are trying, to grow, to become close to Him and most of all, we don't have to live in this Galus and endure this suffering. I give everyone a Bracha that this time next year we'll be singing and dancing, rejoicing instead of sadness..Amen!

I'm asking for Mechila from anyone, If I said something that hurt you, did something that rubbed the wrong way....I'm sorry. I forgive all of you completely and just know that I think all of you are special in your own way.
Love, Penina and Earlyriser


At 4/7/07 4:41 PM, Blogger memyselfandi said...

we all got the email

At 4/7/07 4:54 PM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

Yeah, I know but how many people read it? It's more people that come here and read what's going on.

At 5/7/07 9:38 AM, Blogger Sarah Rutti said...

you reminded me of something that i recently learned with a friend: the Ramchal says in his sefer, and Rabbi Twersky qoutes is in his sefer "light along the path" (or something like that) that we have to remind ourselves of the things we already know. Sometimes we take for grantid that x + y = 613. HOwever, to really understand the equation one must look deeper thenthe surface and try to work the equation into his or her daily life. For example- nothing Devorah mentioned is new. But how many times do we stop and remind ourselves of those facts and points? Thank you Devora for reminding us. I hope we continue to remeber that which is right in front of us and impliment it into our daily lives

At 5/7/07 2:00 PM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

Thank you Sarah Rutti!!


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