P'ninim 06

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I wanted to wish everyone a Shana Tova!!!!!!!!!!

Dearest fellow Pninimers,

How are you all doing? I am so excited for all the engagements. Now I have to figure out a way to come to all the Chatunahs!!!!!!!!! I wanted to give you all a bracha that all of you who have not found the right one should find your Prince Charming in the right time and place with a lot of clarity. May you have shalom bayit, simcha, hatzlacha, bracha, brioot and parnassa. May you have many happy, healthy, smart, G-d fearing, beautiful children. May Hashem help you to see the light in every situation and to pass all of your Nisyonot. May your families always be healthy and happy and have a lot of nachat from you always. May you all have a productive year and be sealed along with all the people you love in the book of life and happiness. May we shielded against all of the terrorists and may Mashiach bless us with himself now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to thank all of you for everything that you have given me. Every single one of you enhanced my year and made me grow in some way. I appreciate that very much. In addition, I would like to ask Mechila from all of you for anything that I did or said, intentionally or unintentionally that might have hurt you in any way. I am truly sorry. Furthermore, if I ever borrowed anything and did not return it, please forgive me for that as well. I also forgive all of you, not that you ever did anything. Anyways, I feel much better now that I have "spoken" to all of you. Shana Tova. By the way, just because we don't talk on the phone does not mean that I am not thinking about you.

Love always,
Devorah Braum Hekmatjah


At 11/9/07 1:32 PM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

Dev, thank you so much!! Amen to all your Brachos! Everyone, Rabbi Miesels brother has an amazing website and I just listened to a Shiur about Rosh Hashanah...just know Hashem is always listening and will accept our tefilos...

At 15/9/07 6:13 PM, Blogger Earlyriser said...

I would like to wish everyone a meaningful fast...question for anyone who has time and who is interested...what does Rashi say in Parshas Chaya Sara about when one turns the age of 20? (my friend researched with me on this...really scary.)


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