I'd like to congratulate everyone on there present point in life.
For those of you who are engaged, Mazal Tov, you should have siata dishmia to know what to do and how to act and perceive your zivug's actions, so that only shaalom bait reigns in your house.
For those of us who aren't engaged, enjoy being single while you still can! This is the time when you can do crazy amounts of things during all hours of the day and night, without needing to coordinate a husband's schedule with yours. You should have bitachon that when the time is right you'll find your zivug and you should have clarity when that decision needs to be made. As of now, try to use your energies to be as productive as possible.
Have a great week, everyone, and again - kol hakavod for each individual on their present position in life, as well as each accomplishment. Keep sliming.
"May we be busy with only good things" - Mrs. Jeagar.
Oh, btw, anyone who's been reading my story blog, I just updated it with
Secret Discoveries part 13. Be well.