Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
just thought i'd let you know
my brother just had a baby girl yesterday. she was 9.4 lbs, we thought my niece shira was big when she was born at 8.8 but this baby is bigger. i'll let you know what her name is when they name her.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Happy B-day to the Pninim Blog!
Well, whaddya know, our blog has been up for a year! And yet, this is the first time I'm posting on it. How sad. Oh well. Not much to say, except that I miss everyone and I unfortunately can never make it to any of the reunions. I'd post one of my pictures from seminary,only thing is my computer messed up my pictures, so what it shows on the thumbnail is not necessarily the same picture as when you click it. So, I have to completely rearrange it. And re-name all the pictures. Very time consuming. In any case, I had better get back to writing my essay.Bye!
MAK (Melissa)
Friday, July 20, 2007
say tehlim for Bracha Batsheva bas Rochel Dubra
my cousin, than 8 months pregnant, was just diagnosed with leukemia on wend. the doctors did an emergency c-section and she now has a healthy baby girl but we are all worried about her. please daven for her.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
to each one of you
hey guys, short and sweet. i got this as a forward and wanted to share it with you all. it's particularly pertinent now as we head through the nine days to hopefully see the beis hamikdash built b'mheira b'yameinu.
This first sentence is powerful.
Hashem determines who walks into your life....It is up to you to decide who
you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go. I need
this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....
Hashem, bless all my friends in whatever it is that you know they may be
needing this day! And may their life be full of peace, prosperity and power
as they seek to have a closer relationship with you. Amen.
For Real!
Alright guys,
I'm sure all of you wanna see each other, so this time there is gonna be a reunion, that the whole seminary (all the ppl that live within the tri-state area) can attend.
Everyone please post dates and times that you are available and we'll try to cater to all of your schedules. We wanna have more than 8 ppl show up! This time we are not gonna wait for ANY teachers!!!!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Hi everyone in pninim blog! its good to be able to k.i.t. this way! anyhoo i don't even really know how this thing works but i got an email inviting me to join so hi.
Labels: welcome to me
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Welcome to Vancouver. B.C Canada
I thought that i'd share Vancouver with some of you. There are A LOT more pictures on my facebook so if you want to see more you can check them out there. Otherwise, in enjoy here!
I spent shabbat at my friends house in Richmond, about 10 minutes away from Vancouver, it's like a suberb of Vancouver. Here's the bridge going back to Vancouver. Check out our mountains!
This is looking north, to the same moutains you see above, but here i'm in Vancouver. The white dome is B.C place. ( a stadium.) This is about a 1/2 hour walk from my house. As well, this is a man made inlet. Looking north east
Looking at the same inlet, north west.
Canda Place. On the same inlet. looking west
the shiny dome is Science world. looking north east
This is looking north, to the same moutains you see above, but here i'm in Vancouver. The white dome is B.C place. ( a stadium.) This is about a 1/2 hour walk from my house. As well, this is a man made inlet. Looking north east
Looking at the same inlet, north west.
Canda Place. On the same inlet. looking west
the shiny dome is Science world. looking north east
ok, well there's your tour of vancouver. Again, there are a lot more photos on my facebook album under 'Beautiful British Columbia' and 'Canda Day'. I hope everyone's having a great summer. Miss yall.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Pirkei Avos/Tisha B'av and the 9 days
Dear Everyone, (What I'm bringing out I'm trying to teach myself as well, because it's also me to work on this.)
I'm sitting here thinking about the the 9 days and Tisha B'av. Pirkei Avos started during Sefiras Haomer, around the time to work on ourselves to recieve the Torah. During the summer there is Shiva Asar B'tamuz the 9 days and Tisha B'av. So many things in Pirkei Avos to learn from and to work on ourselves to become the best we can be and grow in Mitzvos.
It says in Mishnah 12 that Aharon loved peace and ran after peace. When he would see two people fighting, he would go to each of them separately and tell them how the other wants to make up with the other. Then they make up.
Right now, the 9 days are coming up and Tisha B'av are coming ahead. The Bais Hamikdash was burned down because of Sinas Chinam, hatred for another person. Right now is the perfect time to try to make peace, to a friend, brother, sister, cousin. Just like what Ahron did. Let's hope that this year we show Hashem we are trying, to grow, to become close to Him and most of all, we don't have to live in this Galus and endure this suffering. I give everyone a Bracha that this time next year we'll be singing and dancing, rejoicing instead of sadness..Amen!
I'm asking for Mechila from anyone, If I said something that hurt you, did something that rubbed the wrong way....I'm sorry. I forgive all of you completely and just know that I think all of you are special in your own way.
Love, Penina and Earlyriser
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Hodu L'H' Ki Tov
See reference to a post i put up just before shavuos:
just over a week ago when chemdi and leah r were in town we was sitting at the waterfront in downtown TO and thinking over what's been almost a year since Eli Horowitz, a young father from the Toronto, went missing while fishing up in cottage country (abt three hours north of toronto).
we were talking about the fact that we KNOW his body is there, and that HKB"H was just hiding it from all those who were giving of themselves in conducting a tremendous search effort, which had just been starting up again after a long winter. It's been something so real at least in Toronto. Although we would go through life as if normal, it's been with everyone. As Ahuva had commented, the Horowitz family had come on our high school's retreat every year as part of hatzalloh, and this year his wife and children came on their own. Even walking around my neighbourhood last shabbos i passed by the family, Mrs Horowitz watching her kids playing outside. Just this morning in university one of my friends was asking me if they'd ever found the body, and I'm so glad that the next time i see her I'll be able to tell her yes.
It's such a message to take into the three weeks. It's a time of mourning for the Beis Hamikdash, we DON'T know what we're missing. We cry out wishing we knew WHAT to feel we're missing. But we must know that it's just there. The geula is SO near! we must just keep davening, and doing our hishtadlus, being the best we can be as the am hanivchar. If HKB"H can take a woman who was an agunah for nearly a year and give her back her life, i truly think we must know that He can and WILL give us back the Beis Hamikdash, and bring Moshiach, b'meheira b'yemeinu, amein.
ani ma'amin be emunah shleima....
Ontario Provincial Police recover body from Lake Nipissing
Nugget Staff
Local News - Tuesday, July 03, 2007 Updated @ 4:37:48 PM
North Bay OPP has recovered a body from Lake Nipissing believed to be that of a Toronto man missing since last August.
Two fishermen located the body Tuesday, in the centre channel to Callander Bay near an island.
Eli Horowitz and his father in law, Heine Mondrowitz, left the Waltonian Inn on the south shore of Lake Nipissing to go boating Aug. 21, 2006. They were reported overdue at 7 p,.m. that night.
An extensive land, air and water search commenced and five days later the remains of Mondrowitz were located on the shore near Lonely Island.
The search for Horowitz continued and was finally called off in September. Over the past nine months the OPP received many tips from the public, all turning out to be false.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Hey Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are all doing well. I just got back from Baltimore and I miss you all very much. I wanted to wish you all a fantasticly fantastic fast. I hope the Mashiach comes and saves us from this Galut and we shall never fast again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I give you all a bracha that you should marry a big talmid chacham, with midot tovot and appreciation. Don't forget: may you both be attracted to each other. May Mashaich come NOW!!!!!!! Yeah I know I already said that before. You got to forgive me.
Love you all,
Devorah Braum Hekmatjah
or Persian or just plain old Hek
Have a meaningful fast!
Hi everyone...sorry about the blank contribute before...just want to tell you to have a meaningful fast and daven and do the best you can...that way this will be our last fast and we'll all be in Yerushalayim together!!
hey all how you alll doing!!!
Thanx so much for sending me the blogging thing asue now im going to rite and send everyone useless messages hahahah!
missing everyone heaps and who ever is in israel in aug let me know by email so i can catch up with u !!!
wat is everyone doing!!!
so like usual im doing somthing intresting and fun!!
so here is my story im a travel agent the specialises in backpackers!!! you know wat i mean haah
yeah these funny crazy awesome ppl i meet everyday and im booking them on these awesome trips around the country i was born in !!! which happenes to be the most beautiful!!!
thats me a a nutshell!
laters everyone have a great time if i have time maybe ill put some random photos of randomness just to be random!!
love tamara